On this page ... I will list all of the key chess-stuff pages contained within this site. 

  (You could also consider this page a  "Site Map"  for this site as well.) 

Explanation of symbols:  The symbols I use are the standard ChessBase/Informant ones. 
 (Except they are more-or-less turned on their sides, and with a few modifications.) 


A "plus-slash-minus" ("+/-"), means that, "White is winning." 
A "plus-over-a line" ("+/"),  means that White is much better. 
A "plus-over-an equal sign" ("+/="),  means that "White is just slightly better." 
An equal sign ("=") means the game is level or the play is roughly balanced. 
An "unclear symbol" ("~") means the play is unclear, but should be roughly close to equal. 
A "minus-slash-plus" ("-/+") means that, "Black is winning." 
A "plus-under-a-line" ("/+"),  means that "Black is much better." 
A "plus-under-an equal sign" ("=/+"),  means that "Black is just slightly better." 
The symbol  "<=>"  (or 'cp')  means,  "with good counterplay."  (For either party.) 
The symbol  "~"  means,  "good compensation"  (i.e. active play), for the material invested.  
The symbol  "--->"   means, with a strong attack.  
 (For the player who made the last move.) 
The symbol  "/\"  means,  with a strong initiative. 
 (This is not quite the same thing as an attack, but means basically the 
   ability to greatly dictate the course of play.) 

"[]" or "box"  This signifies that this move is probably forced. 
                       (The only move.) 

  "TN"  -  A theoretical novelty or a move that is new to opening theory. 


  ">/="  The continuation that follows this symbol is better than or superior 
             to what was actually played in the game or the given continuation. 
             (Or the annotator has discovered an improvement over a line that 
              had been given earlier.) 
  "</="  The continuation that follows this symbol is worse than or inferior 
             to what was actually played in the game  or the given continuation. 
             (Or the annotator has discovered an improvement over a line that 
              had been given earlier.)


  "(>/=)"  The continuation that follows this symbol could  POSSIBLY/PROBABLY  
                be  SUPERIOR  to the line that is currently being examined  ...  BUT THIS IS  
ONE HUNDRED PER CENT CERTAIN  and/or verifiable!! 

  "(</=)"  The continuation that follows this symbol could  POSSIBLY/PROBABLY  
                be  INFERIOR  to the line that is currently being examined  ...  BUT THIS IS  
ONE HUNDRED PER CENT CERTAIN  and/or verifiable!!    


'!'  - a very good or exceptional move. 
'!!'  - an extremely good move, of great or rare brilliance. 
         (Not to be used lightly or often!)   
'?'   - a bad move or a mistake. 
'??'  - a very bad move  ...  or a blunder/gross oversight. 
'!?'  -  A very interesting move.  (I also use this to show that there 
           might be a very wide range of move choices at this point
           (Some authors use this to mean some risk is involved.) 
'?!'  -  A very (extremely) risky move. (Or) A move of highly doubtful 
. {dubious}  (Or) A move that is very much inferior to 
          some of the alternatives.   (Less than best.)   

Most books use many more symbols than this, but these are the most common-place ones. 


      I also use the mark, (appellation)    '!?'    a lot.     

The normal interpretation of this mark (after a move) is interesting, but perhaps associated with a great deal of risk. I do  not  agree with this interpretation and prefer just interesting.  I also use it to show a divergent path in the analysis,  or  a departure from normal opening theory.  This does NOT mean the move is good or bad, just interesting ... and there are possibly   MANY   different alternatives  at this particular juncture of the game!!!  


ICT = International Chess Tournament  


 (A  glossary  of opening terms.)  

   List of games - or good chess pages  (here, on this site)    

  1. My new  (Aug. 27, 2004)   PAGE OF PUZZLES  ...  for this website.  

  2. My  ARCHIVE PAGE  for the chess problems for my big, GC {chess} web site.  

  3. A nice little  game  that this also fairly well-annotated. 
    (Goldsby - Inman; Mobile, AL; 2000.)  

  4. A very nice - - -  short game  - - - of chess, that has also been thoroughly annotated.   
    (Onischuk - Hertneck; Biel / 1997.)  

   Need current chess news?   Try the following links:  [here]   [more]   [more]   [more]   [more]   [more]   [more]  

  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I   

  Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2006.  All rights reserved.  


This page was created in 2004.    This page was last updated on 05/02/06 .   

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